There are many forms of physical therapy in Ireland and they all bring a different perspective to an individual’s Pain or injury. It is often the experience of a patient who has seen many therapists sometimes of the same profession to be told differing causes to their current situation. This is often frustrating but the reality is that there is rarely just one cause. I my experience a qualified physical therapist, physiotherapist, doctor, osteopath not to mention the NMT are all usually describing different facets of the same issue. Their subsequent treatment is also usually to a high standard so if it hasn’t worked then maybe the correct dosage of treatment or lifestyle changes wasn’t applied for that individual or there is something else at play.
It is important to keep an open mind. remember that if a person is trained to use a hammer, chances are they will see most things as nails. Physical therapy in Ireland is going through an upheaval currently with the ‘physical therapist title’ finally being defined as an alternative to the title physiotherapist. This is the case in many countries world wide and will result in better clarity about the qualification of your therapist and whether they are appropriate for you. There is a diversity outside of physiotherapy that should not be overlooked. Here is a position statement from the Association of Neruomuscular Therapists in Ireland which sums it up nicely.
ANMPT Position Statement ?
The ANMPT, which is the representative association for neuromuscular therapists in Ireland, has released a position statement following on from Minister Leo Varadkar indicating that he intends to protect the title ‘physical therapist’ for exclusive use by Chartered Physiotherapists. The ANMPT warmly welcomes the recent decision made by the Minister for Health Leo Varadkar to protect the title ‘Physical Therapist’ under section 95(3) of the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005. From 2018, only physiotherapists will legally be allowed to identify themselves as a physical therapist. It was widely accepted from the outset of the establishment of the National Forum For Complementary Medical Therapies (established by the Department of Health and Children under the auspices of the then minister Micheal Martin) that this title would, in time, be protected along with a number of other specialties.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Neuromuscular Therapists can continue to feel confident in providing physical therapy to their patients/clients and in playing a lead role in the future of complementary medical therapy in Ireland as Neuromuscular Therapy moves towards state regulation. Patients who are actively seeking a professional therapist specialising in myofascial and chronic pain rather than a professional trained to work in the hospital setting will now have any misunderstanding that may have existed removed.
ANMPT and NTC will continue to work within the National Forum to secure state registration for Neuromuscular Therapists at the appropriate time. ANMPT membership protects our members’ best interests and, in turn, protects the interests of the general public.
We have been, and will continue to stay, in communication with the office of Minister Varadkar, and we look forward to any new developments that will benefit both our members and the general public into the future.
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